As a new Congress begins, the below international religious freedom issues are ones that we feel are critical for Congress to take up immediately and in a bipartisan manner. In some case, these were bills from the last Congress that can be reintroduced.
Legislative Asks
1. Introduce a bill to ban lobbying for the Chinese Communist Party
Needs to be drafted with bipartisan support.
2. Introduce a bill giving statutory power to an upgraded version of the 2020 Executive Order on international religious freedom (EO 13926)
Needs to be drafted with bipartisan support.
3. Co-sponsor the Protecting Holy Sites Act
Draft in progress, needs to be introduced.
4. Resolution recognizing religious freedom as a fundamental right
Needs to be reintroduced. 118th Congress, S.Res.569 (Coons, Lankford, Kaine, and Tillis).
Congressional Support
1. Adopt a religious prisoner of conscience
Help amplify efforts for their release.
2. Join other legislators in pushing international religious freedom as a foreign policy priority
House: Join the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission.
Senate: Join the Senate Human Rights Caucus.